Sanitary garbage truck car audio maintenance experience

Tags: Sanitary garbage truck Sanitary garbage truck car audio

Sanitary garbage truck audio is different from the home audio due to the particularity of the use environment. If the car owner is not familiar with its characteristics when using the car audio everyday, it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble due to improper use.

1. Car audio system should be dust-proof in addition to vibration. In the audio, the tape press wheel of the cassette player, the magnetic head and the CD player's disc slot are all places where dust is easy to accumulate. Therefore, you should always wipe the cassette, the cassette slot of the cassette and the CD player, and the panel of the audio system with a small wet cotton swab .

2. The speaker grid cover is a very easy place to collect dust. The dust will reduce the volume of the speaker. When cleaning, you can use a damp cloth to gently suck the dust off.

3. The laser head in the square CD player is a fragile part, and it is relatively expensive. It should be focused on maintenance and careful maintenance of the sound, which can effectively extend the life of the laser head, and also enable the car audio system to ensure high-quality music playback for a long time. .

4. CD cannot be pushed in, but should be placed gently at the entrance to allow the mechanical structure to automatically suck in the CD.

5. In addition to keeping the main unit of the audio clean, the magnetic tapes and CDs must also be clean. The cleaning of magnetic tapes and optical disks can be bought in most audiovisual stores.

 Sanitary garbage truck car audio maintenance experience