New Energy Saving Products for the Home

Tags: Home Saving New Energy Products

Environmentalists talk about global warming in their campaign to try and convince people to use less energy and reduce their carbon footprint. These days, there are many energy efficient products to choose from.
Low Energy Light Bulbs
One of the first things that people look for in energy saving products is energy efficient light bulbs. You can find compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs in hardware stores and even in grocery stores. They are a bit more expensive than regular light bulbs but they last up to ten times longer. CFLs also save you money on electricity.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs have been around for a while but more recently another type of energy efficient light bulbs has become available. LED light bulbs use even less energy than CFLs. LED (light emitting diode) light bulbs last longer than compact fluorescent light bulbs. Unlike CFLs, they are mercury free and do not have the sickly white effect of fluorescent lights.
Battery Chargers
Battery chargers are some of the most popular energy saving devices around. They are used with rechargeable batteries and are very energy efficient.
Energy Efficient Appliances
Manufacturers are always coming out with new energy saving products. Some of these devices require planning and budgeting. Refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners, heaters, etc. can help you save energy. When you buy these items, look for the Energy Star logo.
To qualify for an Energy Star logo, appliances and electronics must use at least 70% less energy than standard models. Some models have rebate incentives, making them more affordable. You may even qualify for certain tax incentives if you invest in an energy efficient product.
If you are remodeling your home, you may want to replace your old and inefficient heating and cooling systems with models that carry the Energy star logo. You can now purchase energy efficient pumps, water heaters, dehumidifiers, etc.
Smart Power Strips
Many electronic and electrical devices continue to suck electricity when they are in standby mode. Plugging these devices to a power strip with an on/off switch can help save electricity. You can also use a smart power strip that reduces the amount of standby power used by computers, TVs and other devices.
Now that many people are trying to cut energy costs, new and better energy saving products are being introduced into the market. Determine how you use energy, and obtain reliable information about different products that can help you reduce your energy consumption.

New Energy Saving Products for the Home